League: Bristol Corinthians League

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Dave Nelson

Mathern FC 50s

Contacts: Ian Fenny Email: ianfenny1972@gmail.com Tel: 07464 547631 Paul Hopkinson Email: paul.hopkinson923@btinternet.com Tel: 07866 415467 Home Colours: White Shirts, Black Shorts Away Colours: Yellow/Green Shirts, Black Shorts Ground: Mathern Football Club, Birdwood Gardens, Mathern, Chepstow, NP16 6UF Background: Very casual and friendly, previously over 45s reincarnated with a smattering of young blood

Rangeworthy 50s

Contacts: David Buckley Email: buckley_d@btconnect.com Tel: 07831321054 Home Colours: Away Colours: Ground:  

Cardiff Accies 50s

Contacts: Gareth Cook Email: acciesman14@gmail.com Tel: 07786866001 Home Colours: Away Colours: Ground:    

Cardiff St Pauli

Contacts: Gareth Jenkins Email: fcstpaulicardiff@gmail.com Tel: Home Colours: Away Colours: Ground: