Club News

Whether it’s the effects of the pandemic or just the march of time, but a few clubs have been forced to fold after struggling for players.
North Bristol Colts have resigned from Division 1, Parson St OB have departed Division 3, whilst longstanding members Redland Ramblers have vacated Division 5, the latter being replaced by last-minute entrants CVFC.
Meanwhile DIvision 1 BCL veterans LB Sports are struggling with a major injury crisis and have been given special dispensation to shelve their fixtures until after xmas, hpoping to get back on track in the new year.
We’re sorry for teams in those division who will play a couple less games this season, and we will obviously be discussing division sizes at the next AGM. The move to smaller divisions was an attempt to steer a way through the starts and stops of Covid, but it obviously has greated imapct when a club folds from a smaller division.